**Happy National Indigenous History Month! Please note- B/c of staff holidays, any orders placed June 21st and on will not be processed until July 5th/2024. Visit us IN STORE: 10AM-3PM, 808 Broadway Ave, Saskatoon SK. Questions? Email us @ awasisb@hotmail.com

Art Prints
Art Prints
Art Prints
Art Prints
Art Prints
Art Prints
Art Prints
Art Prints

Art Prints

Regular price $18.00 Sale

We supply the prints, you supply the frame. For your work desk, front entrance at the office, classroom or home. A simple, but powerful way to honour + acknowledge the land you reside on. *New Treaty Map print comes in 16"x20" horizontal ONLY*

Quality poster materials. Matte finish. Prints that need to be shipped will come in a solid kraft tube + with tracked shipping.

++ Turn around time: Scheduled to arrive mid June 

++ All design rights are owned + protected by Awasis Boutique